Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Yup it are me again and for thoes who are reading (im talkin bout u Brett) i hada bad day- so you know what that means- Boy:Your gonna whine? Me:No ima be dead on the inside AND whine! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!
Well today i got mad at the bitch Gabrieal Felix the mixed mutt!And also i got pissed cause people treat me like shit!Ok well-
I was all like- ............
She was all liek OMFG YOU STANK MOTHJA FAWKER!!!!!
I was like- *under breath* your a bitch

That is all.

Also next tuesday is nachoes.Good day.

P.S. I got awards day tommorow and im walkin home so lets see how that goes.



1.What I whine about is what i whine about no requests are taken.
2.I am positively NEVER going to post a picture.EVER.
3.Being that it started this in summer- i will just describe my day if i can't acsses a terminal it either cause i was at a friends house or feild trip. If im able to get one every day then WHOOPTY FUCKING DO!!!It's not like ive made a video for this yet.(If your reading this and found it through the video then this dosen't apply to you.)But i will.And it will prolly suck.
4.No I mean NO- I don't care if your just trying to post your thoughts about me(trust me about this i am usually PISSED OFF)no critisizing me unless you say i might need to improve a little im always looking for improvements.

Well seya beyatches!

Monday, May 25, 2009

TIME TO BEGIN BITCHING!.....dumbasses.

HAY BITCHES HOW YALL DOIN? I am jumoing for joy because the school year is almost over and all the dumb asses will vanish to never bother me again! My school year ends Friday >_< I hate the shit dump of a place they call school...it's actually a tourcher chamber with all the people over there suck dick like one good fellow call Rahkeem Richardson, the one of others I know like for example, Melik and Chad Wilson- the bullies but their are going to be people im gonna miss if i don't pass this year, Amber Wilson,Britny Hugers,Kai Lemaire,Cyrus Smith,Brett Todd, and my friend whom's last name I do not know Bryce. The two girls, I both like one I like secretly like becuase of our standing with eachother being that were only friends.The other wanted to go out with me but i was to young.Big suprise.But i don't think anyone would want to even look at me rather much date me.AND NO IM NOT POSTING A PICTURE. Well im out seya tommorow biyatches.